Hike 44 miles on the Ice Age Trail during the month of October 2024 and visit three of the Trail Communities, like Janesville and Milton, to earn a hiking certificate and a limited-edition patch. You may hike, walk, run, or backpack and log your miles over days, weekends, weeks, or one big adventure. All abilities and ages.  The City of Janesville has more miles of Ice Age Trail located within the city limits than any other Wisconsin Community, with over 11 miles of paved trail, and 3 miles of hiking trails including the Devil's Staircase and the Robert O. Cook Memorial Arboretum/Janesville Schools Outdoor Lab (JSOL). Milton has an additional 6 miles of trails, with a 3 mile connecting route between the two communities. In both cities, the Ice Age Trail passes through parks and downtown, with dining and shopping.

Cost:  Free (Free Parking)
Location: Throughout Rock County - - Wisconsin, WI
Categorized as: Run/Walk
Date(s):  10/1/24-10/31/24