In this hilarious and imaginative mini-musical, meet a unique and talented group of animals living at this unusual farm. Between the gourmet goats that refuse to eat garbage, a chorus line of hoofing cows, neatnik pigs and funky dancing chickens, the musical will be sure to tickle the imagination and funny bone of performers and audiences alike. With a run time of around 30 minutes, this is great fun for the whole family. Presented by JPAC Kids. Performances on Saturday and Sunday, June 20 and 21 at 12 PM.
Cost: $12 (Free Parking)
Location: Janesville Performing Arts Center - 408 S Main St - Janesville, WI 53545
Categorized as: Kids & Family, Theater
Phone: (608) 758-0297
Things for Kids: Yes
Date(s): 6/20/25-6/21/25 12:00 PM