Natasha Pearl Hansen is a comedian and entrepreneur, beginning her journey into entertainment in 2006 at Second City Chicago. During her decade in Los Angeles, she was passed at major comedy clubs nationwide, appeared on series on Hulu, Fox, Comedy Central, and NBC/peacock. In 2019, she executive produced, wrote and filmed her first comedy special on her canceled wedding day called I Was Supposed to Get Married Today, released on Amazon Prime Video in 2021. During the pandemic, she launched her startup, which is a crowdfunding and gift registry platform for people going through breakups, on the coattails of her breakup special and ending of her 9 year relationship and engagement. In 2023 she filmed a new mini special with LMAOF, and she will be making her debut at Edinburgh Fringe Festival with her new hour The Right Amount of Wrong August of 2024 before filming her next comedy special. Follow her journey on socials @NPHcomedy or
Cost: $20 (Free Parking)
Location: Comedy Cabin - 120 N Crosby Ave - Janesville, WI 53548
Categorized as: Comedy
Date(s): 11/29/24 7:00 PM