Spend a thought-provoking evening in the company of Kathy Boguszewski and friends. Hear the history of groups and individuals who, having made their home in the Rock River Valley, made a difference in the lives of others and influenced local history. Kathy is a current Director on the Board of the Rock County Historical Society. A career educator, administrator, and librarian, she recently team-taught Historical Research Methods with Erin Jensen, rock star educator at Rock University High School, Janesville. Kathy uses her personal experience to make a difference, informing and engaging audiences.

Cost:  $10 for RCHS members; $20 for nonmembers (Free Parking)
Location: Lincoln-Tallman Carriage House - 450 N Jackson St - Janesville, WI 53548
Categorized as: History & Heritage
Date(s):  11/14/24 6:00 PM-7:30 PM